Business Owners, Do You Know What Cyber Insurance Covers (and Why You Need It)?
Reasons to hack your business can range from simply proving it’s possible to acquiring a ransom. The dark web is rife with sensitive data for

The Power of Partnerships: A Message from RPM Owner Michele Robbins
The RPM Agency, like most businesses, thrives on partnerships. We pride ourselves on being an effective partner for our clients, our insurance carriers, and our

Taking Proactive Steps to Protect your Home
n the past year, many of us have deepened our appreciation of the security and sanctity of our homes. While we are quite eager to

Restoring the Most Basic Element of Freedom
Freedom. It is a concept we have been focused on a lot in the last year. When our freedom to do what we desire without

The Devastating Impact of Cyberattacks on Small Business
April 2021 The Devastating Impact of Cyberattacks on Small Business The disturbing truth is that cyberattacks are on the arise at alarming levels. Businesses in

Can I Get Home Insurance without Cutting Down All of My Trees?
May 2021 Can I Get Home Insurance without Cutting Down All of My Trees? This is a question asked by most residents of our mountain

Are You Covered
June 2021 Is Your Business Underinsured? Being Proactive with an Insurance Plan Will Protect Your Investment How wonderful to once again meet clients face-to-face, attend

New Year: New Thinking
As we welcome a new year of promise and pledge to rise above the chaos and catastrophe of the past year, I suggest we retain

Support Local Businesses
Help Our Merchants Get Back to Business We’ve all see the “Shop Local” and “We’re in this Together” messages of encouragement. They are positive tag

The Gifts of 2020
The Gifts of 2020 We’re just nine days into December and I’ve already received so many gifts! Not presents wrapped in shiny paper with brightly

Customize Your Coverage to Protect Your New Business Model
Our local businesses are terrific examples of resilience. It is great to witness how our merchants and service providers have adjusted their operations to meet

We are so fortunate!
We are so fortunate! While the Elephant Butte Fire threatened hundreds of homes and families in our mountain community, no one was injured and no